Forge Bodywork
A blend of Neuromuscular and Myofascial therapy.
Experience effective massage therapy that creates tangible physical changes. My focus is on pain relief, resolving muscle restrictions, and releasing muscle adhesions commonly known as "knots." By lengthening fascia and freeing muscles from being stuck to adjacent muscles, we promote enhanced flexibility and alleviate restrictions.
The Forge approach involves skillfully realigning the body, fostering ease of movement, and expanding range of motion. Through directional techniques applied along the body, we bring about significant shifts. We prioritize working on dry skin, as it yields longer-lasting results compared to slippery approaches. While some sessions involve passive recipient involvement with minimal movement, others incorporate larger mobilization techniques like Thai yoga-inspired stretching and active release pin and stretch, tailored to your needs and preferences.
At times, we may utilize tools such as cupping and guasha for tissue manipulation upon request or after a discussion to determine their suitability for your session.
Efficient pressure does not necessarily mean hard pressure. Efficient pressure prioritizes maintaining a long stance, good posture, and employing proper body mechanics to ensure optimal results.
Experience Forge Bodywork Massage Therapy and unlock the transformative potential within your body.

Thai Massage/Mat Bodywork
Before attending massage therapy school, I dedicated years to studying and practicing yoga, eventually earning my yoga teacher certification. As part of my yoga training, I also explored Thai yoga therapy. The practice of hatha yoga and vinyasa inherently provide one with valuable skills in robust body positioning, stretching techniques, and body mechanics.
When it comes to performing stretch therapy, I find that working on a comfortable floor mat while fully clothed is both preferable and effective. In my yoga practice, I extensively engaged in "restorative yoga," which involves utilizing props like bolsters, folded blankets, and blocks to support and enhance slightly stretched positions. This approach allows for a profound sense of support, facilitating deep release and relaxation in each posture. It also presents an opportunity to consciously relax muscles, alleviate stress and anxiety, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. In my Thai massage sessions, I incorporate these methods by providing prop-supported positions, which can be seen as a form of supported positional release, followed by applying massage pressure.
By merging the principles of yoga and massage therapy, I offer a comprehensive and nurturing approach to enhance your well-being and facilitate your body's natural healing processes.
90 Minutes - $200
2.5 Hours - $300
No tips/gratuity.
Long thorough non-rushed sessions. Plenty of time for assessment and instructions. Every payment method for USD accepted. Cash. Every cash app. <- These are encouraged. Checks. Credit cards.
Many different methods may be used in therapy and you have a right to informed consent to all methods. All too often the mystique of massage therapy is glorified, which limits discussions for best methods and leaves anticipants nervous. While the therapist offers methods he understands will help the client where the client is at, the client has a voice and a say. If anything does not feel right for any reason, please speak up so the therapist can provide explanation and offer a change in approach.
Clothed and unclothed. Most images of massage therapy is unclothed, as Swedish massage gets over emphasized in the massage industry, which revolves around effleurage, broad gliding of oil on skin. The fact that is much less known is there is lots of effective technique that can be done through cloth, sheets or clothes, such as Thai massage. If unclothed, sheet draping techniques will be used the whole massage session uncovering and tucking under around the area being treated.